Women of Warranty is Celebrating Moms for Mother’s Day 2023

Have spare clean underwear


Beware of the flatter


Faith + Fear can't coexist


Never give up!


Donate - don't toss.


Suck it up buttercup!


Everyone is different.


Have spare clean underwear 〰️ Beware of the flatter 〰️ Faith + Fear can't coexist 〰️ Never give up! 〰️ Donate - don't toss. 〰️ Suck it up buttercup! 〰️ Everyone is different. 〰️

We asked our LinkedIn + Facebook Communities to share pieces of advice they’ve held on to from their Moms.

Wise Words From Women We Call Mom

  • Make your bed every morning (John Estrada, President Xcelerator Group)

  • Stay humble… “pride goeth before a fall” (Dale Reeder, SVP National Servicer Alliance)

  • “You can curse around your little friends, but DON’T embarrass me around adults…” little did she know, she taught me the importance of knowing my audience (Sam Monds, Senior Manager Lowe’s Companies)

  • Always assume the dealer has a 10, the dealer will likely bust on a 6, and never hit on a 17 (Randi Williams, Director, Service Network Cinch)

  • Stand up straight, shoulders back, and wear a smile. Strong but approachable will help you go far. (Chrisie Dorton, Vice President National Accounts, AIG)

  • When making big decisions, make a list of pros and cons. (Matt Taylor, VP Extended Warranty at Starr Companies)

  • Be independent and pursue a career! (Roz Applebaum, VP Warranty Innovations National Forums)

  • Work hard, take the seat at the table, there is a solution to every problem in business, and always follow the golden rule, no matter what position you have (Julie Messer, COO Ironwood Warranty Group)

  • Don’t spend time worrying about what could have happened. Focus on the challenges you have overcome and what you have the power to make happen in the future. (Barbara Benjamin, Director of Paid Care Business Development, Samsung)

Pictured Above: John Estrada’s Mom


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